Ceiling tile


Wirecut bricks are a modern type of clay brick that are made by extruding clay into a column and then cutting it into individual bricks with wires:

Here are some characteristics of wirecut bricks:
  • Manufacturing

    Clay with low moisture is extruded through a die to form a column, which is then cut into bricks with wires. 

  • Dimensions

    Wirecut bricks are made with precise and uniform dimensions. Dimension of the brick is 9″x 4″x 3″ and weight is 3.3-3.5 Kg per brick.

  • Properties

    Wirecut bricks are hard and durable, have high compressive strength, and are highly fire resistant. They are also economical, reusable, recyclable, and require zero maintenance. 

  • Other names
    Wirecut bricks are also known as exposed solid bricks, facing bricks, and exposed wire cut bricks. 
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